McKEON’s Pacific Northwest Distributor represented our product line at the 4-day banner event!

The Building Officials Association of British Columbia held their 2022 Conference and Annual General Meeting May 15 – 18 at the Delta Ocean Pointe Resort in Victoria. Dan Quatier, co-owner of Interior Tech, and Bryan Thompson, Dan’s right hand sales professional, hosted an extremely successful exhibit for the duration of the event. Mr. Quatier’s credentials include a master’s degree in Fire Protection Engineering. His expertise made him the perfect fit to host a 4 ½-hour building code seminar, part of three days of course instruction.

Well over 200 regulatory officials from throughout British Columbia attended the conference. All clearly enjoyed in-person business and social activities after a long hiatus due to COVID restrictions.

Interior Tech was a vital part of the agenda on all four days providing everything from raffle prizes to classroom instruction! Hats off to BOABC, Interior Tech, additional sponsors, and all attendees for making the conference such a successful event!