Achieve an open and creative K-12 environment without jeopardizing the safety of the occupants.


Design of K-12 School can be challenging because of the diverse needs of each school district and surrounding community.

Educational facilities that function as storm shelters can be difficult to design because common areas and classrooms may have dual protection requirements. Dark, gloomy spaces such as gymnasiums and cafeterias may be the result. Natural lighting is possible when large, unobstructed windows and light wells are protected by SS500 FEMA and Wind Rated Door Systems.

Schools are often used as community buildings in the off-hours thereby requiring security separations. McKEON coiling security grilles such as the SG3000 control public access to hallways and stairways, providing both safety and security. Models G15000 and G4500 are available with egress doors so that occupants may safely exit during an emergency.

Fire & life safety of building occupants, our children, is most important. Choose from vertical or horizontal acting rolling steel door assemblies, with egress and without egress, to provide code-required separation without restricting the flow of traffic or obstructing sightlines. Unlike conventional swing type doors, these wide span opening protectives remain out of sight until deployed in the event of an emergency.


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